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Research Samples

Click the link above to view various studies and research evaluations I have completed thus far in my college career. Examples include scientific research analyses, conduction and reporting of an independent research study, and draft documents for qualitative research. Although not a heavily-scientific field, communication requires a thorough understanding of its various audiences which is typically investigated with research methods. I hope to exemplify my research competency through the samples provided.

Hospitality Samples

Click the link above to view various pieces within a large cumulative project in my Travel, Business and Society course. Pieces include a formal destination profile complete with SWOT and research analysis, as well as a PowerPoint presentation on the profile. This project gave me the chance to lead a small group through a heady reseach and presentation process, gaining insight into the world of tourism and even communication and advertising in the field.

Writing Samples

Click the link above to view various pieces exemplifying my verstile writing for various platforms. Samples include journalistic pieces, philosophical evaluations, and personal reflections. It is my hope that this will illustrate my ability to write across many platforms and for many different subjects. I have a strong voice in most of my writing, but am able to dismiss it based on the style necessary to complete the task at hand.


I hope to expand my experience of advertising and hospitality in the near future! In the mean time, check out pieces of previous coursework to assess my skills and potential in the fields. In addition, below you will see various examples of my coursework within the Adobe Creative Suite.

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